Uluslararası Bildiriler
Cakmak G.B., Aydinoglu A.C., “Kentsel Büyüme Simülasyon Modellemesinin CBS ile Kullanımı: Pendik ve Tuzla Örneği, 4. Uluslararası Selçuk Bilimsel Araştırmalar Kongresi, 24-25.08.2024, Konya- Türkiye. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu A.C., Bovkır R., Sisman S., Kara A., “Extending NSDI with LADM Valuation Information Model and Expert Opinions to Calculate Score Values of 3D Real Estate”, 12th International FIG Land Administration Domain Model & 3D Land Administration Workshop, 24-26.09.2024, Kuching, Malaysia. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Erguvan H., Sisman S., Aydinoglu A.C., “Akıllı Şehirlerde Bisiklet İstasyonu Yerlerinin Belirlenmesinde Çok-Kriterli Konumsal Karar Destek Sisteminin Geliştirilmesi: Tuzla ve Pendik Örneği”, 10. Ankara International Congress on Scientific Research, 25-27.06.2024, Ankara- Türkiye. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Kel Ü., Sisman S., Aydinoglu A.C., “Kentsel İlgi Noktaları İçin Coğrafi Veritabanının Oluşturulması ve Yerel Düzeyde Birim Alanda Erişilebilirlik Düzeyinin Belirlenmesi”, 10. Ankara International Congress on Scientific Research, 25-27.06.2024, Ankara- Türkiye. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu A.C., Çetin T., Topal A.U., Şişman S., “Elektrikli araç şarj istasyonlarının optimum yerleşimine yönelik coğrafi analiz araçlarının geliştirilmesi”, Uluslararası AUS Zirvesi- AUS Türkiye, 02-04.05.2024, Ankara- Türkiye. [Abstract, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu A.C., Sisman S., “Interoperable Management of Geographical Databases Representing Area Management Regulation And Restriction Zones and Sharing With A Sample Web Application” International Bashkent Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies-V, 21-22.12.2023, Ankara- Türkiye. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Sisman S., Aydinoglu A.C., “Comparative Analysis of The Criteria Importance Levels Affecting Real Estate Value With Sector Stakeholders,” International Bashkent Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies-V, 21-22.12.2023, Ankara- Türkiye. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Sisman S., Topal A.U., Aydinoglu A.C., “Developing An Implementation Approach For Electric Vehicle Charging Station Location Selection For Sustainable Urban Transportation: The Case Of Pendik and Tuzla Districts”, 5. International Cappadocia Scientific Research Congress, 5-7.11.2023, Nevşehir- Türkiye. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Topal A.U., Sisman S., Aydinoglu A.C., “GIS-based Micromobility Site Selection Analysis for Low Emissions in Urban Transportation: A Case Study Of Bike Share Station”, 5. International Cappadocia Scientific Research Congress, 5-7.11.2023, Nevşehir- Türkiye. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Sisman S., Topal A.U., Aydinoglu A.C., “Designing A Smart Parking Data Management Model For Interoperability of Intelligent Transportation Systems Components And National Geographic Information Systems Infrastructure”, 2nd International Sustainable Cities and Urban Landscapes: Re-thinking the future of the cities, 26-27.10.2023, Konya-Türkiye.
Topal, A.U., Şişman, S., A., Aydinoglu, A.Ç., “Akıllı Şehirlerde Sürdürülebilir Ulaşım Planması için CBS tabanlı VIKOR Teknipi ile Otopark Uygunluk Analizi”, V. International Turkic World Congress on Science and Engineering, 14-16.09.2023, Bishkek, Kyrgystan. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Tellioğlu, N., Bovkir, R., Aydinoglu, A.Ç., “Determination of Sustainable Green Building Parameters for Resilient Cities Example Analysis of Suitable Locations with GIS”, International Black Sea Modern Scientific Research Congress, 6-8.06.2023, Rize, Turkey. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Şen, E. E., Bovkir, R., Aydinoglu, A.Ç., “Evaluating and Investigating Energy Performance Criteria in Buildings within Turkish National GIS Infrastructure”, International Black Sea Modern Scientific Research Congress, 6-8.06.2023, Rize, Turkey. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Bovkir, R., Şen, E. E., Tellioğlu, N., Aydinoglu, A.Ç., “Producing TUCBS-Related Noise Maps to Improve the Quality of Life in Smart Cities: GTU Campus Case”, International Black Sea Modern Scientific Research Congress, 23-24.03.2023, Samsun, Turkey. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Sisman, S., Şaşmaz, M.A., Akın, S.N., Aydinoglu, A.Ç., “GIS-based Car Parkıng Suitability Analyis for Sustainable Transportation Planning”, International Black Sea Modern Scientific Research Congress, 23-24.03.2023, Samsun, Turkey. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Taştan, B., Aydinoglu, A.C., “Sel Duyarlılık Kriterlerinin Analizi”, International Conference on Engineering, Natural and Social Sciences ICENSOS 2022, 20.12.2022, Konya, Turkey. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu, A.C., Bovkir, R., “Real Time Visualisation of Air Quality Data via Geospatial Dashboard for Strategic Planning in Smart Cities”, 2nd International Black Sea Modern Scientific Research Congress, 21-22.12.2022, Rize, Turkey. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Bovkir, R., Aydinoglu, A.C., “Determination of The Composite Quality of Life Indicators for Index Calculations”, 2nd International Black Sea Modern Scientific Research Congress, 21-22.12.2022, Rize, Turkey. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu, A.C., Bovkir, R., Sisman, S., “Gap Analysis and Network-Based GIS Methods for Evaluating Business Availability and Accessibility in Smart Cities”, 3rd International Cappadocia Scientific Research Congress, 12.12.2022, Nevsehir, Turkey. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Bovkir, R., Aydinoglu, A.C., “Evaluation of the Urban Quality of Life Index on a Neighbourhood Scale Using MCDA Methods”, 3rd International Cappadocia Scientific Research Congress, 12.12.2022, Nevsehir, Turkey. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu, A.C., Sisman, S., “Analysing Criteria Importance Dynamics in Real Estate Valuation for Sustainable Cities”, International Conference on Sustainable Cities and Urban Landscapes (ICSULA 2022), 26-27.10.2022, Konya, Turkey. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Sisman, S., Aydinoglu, A.C., “Using 3D Cadastre Databases for Sustainable Real Estate Valuation in Smart Cities”, International Conference on Sustainable Cities and Urban Landscapes (ICSULA 2022), 26-27.10.2022, Konya, Turkey. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Dolu D.G., Bovkir R., Sisman S., Aydinoglu A.C., “Determining E-Commerce Warehouse Suitability with Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for Fast and Sustainable Services”, 8. International Zeugma Scientific Research Congress, 15-17.07.2022, Gaziantep. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aytac M., Sisman S., Bovkir R., Aydinoglu A.C., “GIS-based Multi-Criteria Approach for Fire Station Suitability Analysis in Metropolitan Areas: The Case of Istanbul”, 8. International Zeugma Scientific Research Congress, 15-17.07.2022, Gaziantep. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Yomralioglu B., Koçali D., Sisman S., Aydinoglu A.Ç., “Developing Geographic Analytical Tools for Mass Real Estate Valuation Automation: The Case of Pendik”, TURK-COSE 2022 4. Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Fen Bilimleri ve Mühendislik Kongresi, 23-24.06.2022, Nigde – Türkiye. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Dolu D.G., Bovkır R., Şişman S., Aydınoğlu A.Ç., “Analysing E-Commerce Warehouse Site Suitability with Network-Based GIS Techniques for Economic Sustainability”, 8th International Conference on Sustainable Development, Sarajevo, 4-8.05.2022. [Abstract, Oral Pres.]
Bekteş E., Unal E.T., Guntel A., Aydinoglu A.C., “GIS-Based Assessment of Solar Radiation Capacity of 3D Roof for Sustainable Energy Management”, 8th International Conference on Sustainable Development, Sarajevo, 4-8.05.2022. [Abstract, Oral Pres.]
Bovkir R., Aydinoglu A.Ç., “Big Urban Data Visualization Approaches Within The Smart City: GIS-Based Open-Source Dashboard Example”, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLVI-4/W5-2021, 125–130, 2021, The 6th International Conference on Smart City Applications, 27-29.10.2021, Safranbolu, Turkey. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Guntel A., Aydinoglu, A.Ç.: “Producing And Visualizating 3D Building Geodatabase as a Part of 3D Cadastre Project”, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLVI-4/W5-2021, 239–243, 2021, The 6th International Conference on Smart City Applications, 27-29.10.2021, Safranbolu, Turkey. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Sisman S., Ergul I., Aydinoglu A.Ç., “Designing GIS-Based Site Selection Model For Urban Investment Plannıng in Smart Cities with The Case of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations”, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLVI-4/W5-2021, 515–522, The 6th International Conference on Smart City Applications, 27-29.10.2021, Safranbolu, Turkey. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Yilmaz Y., Sisman S., Aydinoglu A.Ç., “Socio-Economic Clustering Analysis by Geographical Statistical Techniques: A Case Study of Land Market Value”, SDH2021 19th International Symposium On Spatial Data Handling, p.100-109, 13-14.08.2021, Sakarya, Turkiye. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Bulut M., Bovkir R., Aydinoglu A.Ç., “Calculation of Air Quality Index in NoSQL Database Environment with Big Data Analytıcs”, SDH2021 19th International Symposium On Spatial Data Handling, p.32-42, 13-14.08.2021, Sakarya, Turkiye. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Kaymakcioglu M., Aydınoğlu A.Ç., “Using Geo-Analytical Tools in Emergency Management of Transport Accidents: The Case of Istanbul Metropolitan Area”, Istanbul International Modern Scientific Research Congress -II, (1) p.383-388, 23-25.12.2021. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydınoğlu A.Ç., Taştan, B., “The Sensitivity Analysis of Landslide Criterias in The Case Of Fındıklı District Of Rize Province”, Istanbul International Modern Scientific Research Congress -II, (1) p.1001-1006, 23-25.12.2021. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Taştan B., Aydınoğlu A.Ç., “Multiple Disaster Risk Assessment Methods”, Istanbul International Modern Scientific Research Congress -II, (2) 623-628, 23-25.12.2021. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Taştan B., Aydınoğlu A.Ç., “Bütünleşik Afet Risk Maruziyeti Modeli ve Analiz Araçlarının Tasarımı: Heyelan ve Sel Örneği” 10. Uluslararası Sosyal Beşeri ve Eğitim Bilimleri Kongresi, p.95-102, 16-17.09.2021. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydınoğlu A.Ç., Ergül, İ., Şişman, S., Bovkır, R., “Covid-19 Salgın Döneminde İşletmeler için Ulaşım Ağı Tabanlı Uygun Yer Seçimi Tekniği: Kargo Örneği”, 3. U.arası Türk Dünyası Fen Bilimleri ve Mühendislik Kongresi 14-15.06.2021, Niğde, Türkiye. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydınoğlu, A.Ç., Tastan, B., “Projects Realized In Determining Multiple Disaster Risk”, Euroasia Congress on Scientific Researches and Recent Trends- VII, 07-08.12.2020, Baku, Azerbaijan.[Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Tastan, B., Aydınoğlu, A.Ç., “The Assessment of Flood Hazard Using Geographic Information Systems and Fuzzy Logic Techniques in Fındıklı District of Rize Province in Turkey”, Euroasia Congress on Scientific Researches and Recent Trends- VII, 07-08.12.2020, 11-15.07.2011, Azerbaijan. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu A.C., Bovkir, R., “Developing a Mobile Application for Smart Real Estate Information“, The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLIV-4/W3-2020, 2020 5th International Conference on Smart City Applications, 07–08.10.2020, Virtual Safranbolu, Turkey. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Iqbal A.S., Aydinoglu A.C., “Determining Parking Demand By The Integration of Geographic Information System (GIS) and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)”, International Symposium on Applied Geoinformatics (ISAG-2019), 07-09.11.2019, İstanbul, Turkey. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Ustaoglu E., Aydinoglu A.C., “Land Suitability Assessment of Green Infrastructure Development”, INPUT aCAdemy 2019- International Conference on Innıvation in Urban and Regional Planning, 24-26.06.2019, Cagliari, Italy. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Seyrek E.C., Colkesen I., Bovkır R., Aydinoglu A.C., “The Use of Machine Learning Algorithms in Real Estate Valuation”, TUFUAB X. International Technical Symposium, 25-27.04.2019, Aksaray, Turkey. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Seyrek E.C., Colkesen I., Bovkir R., Aydinoglu A.Ç., “Açık Kaynaklı Coğrafi Veri Analiz Araçlarının İncelenmesi ve Uygulanabilirliği”, V. International Symposium on Multidisiplinary Studies, 16-17.11.2018, Ankara. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Kaymakcioglu M., Bovkir R., Aydinoglu A.C., “Acil Durum Yönetiminde CBS Kullanımı: Ulaşımda Veri İhtiyaç Analizi”, V. International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies, 16-17.11.2018, Ankara, Turkey. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu A.C., Bovkir, R., “Designing A Real Estate Valuation Model for Turkey by Using National GDI”, Eurasian GIS 2018 Congress, 04-07.09.2018, Baku, Azerbaijan. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu A.C., Erkus, I., “Geostatistics Analysis to Determine The User Profile of a Social Media Platform”, Eurasian GIS 2018 Congress, 04-07.09.2018, Baku, Azerbaijan. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu, A.Ç., Bovkir, R., “Management of Big Geographic Data for Smart City Applications “, FIG Congress 2018 Embracing our smart world where the continents connect, Istanbul, Turkey, May, 2018. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Bovkir, R., Colkesen, I., Aydinoglu, A.Ç., “Calculating Land Values by Using Advanced Statistical Approaches in Pendik “, FIG Congress 2018 Embracing our smart world where the continents connect, Istanbul, Turkey, May, 2018. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydınoğlu, A.Ç., Bovkır, R., “Designing Land Administration Data Infrastructure Supporting the Interoperability Between Applications: Land Valuation Example for Turkey”, International Symposium on GIS Applications in Geography & Geosciences, 18–21.10.2017, Çanakkale, Turkey. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydınoğlu, A.Ç., “Proliferation of the Capacities for the Effective Realization of SDI in Turkey”, Professionals Seminar on INSPIRE Implementations from Data to Strategy for the Realization of National SDIs, 13-14.11.2017, Istanbul, Turkey. [Abstract, Oral Pres.]
Aydınoğlu, A.Ç., Bovkır, R., “An Approach for Calculating Land Valuation by Using Inspire Data Models”, 4th International Workshop on Geoinformation Science: GeoAdvances 2017, 14-15.10.2017, Safranbolu-Karabuk, Turkey. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydınoğlu, A.Ç., Birhan, S.S., “Training Need Assessment and Designing Training Methods for INSPIRE Capacity Building”, INSPIRE Conference 2017, 06-08.09.2017, Strasbourg-France. [Extended Abstract, Oral Pres.]
Birhan, S.S., Lenk, O., Bayar, D.Y., Güney, M., Tın, E., Toksoy, A., Aydınoğlu, A.Ç., “Serving Geospatial Society Through Establishment of The Inspire Framework; Modules on Cloud and Regularizations”, INSPIRE Conference 2017, 06-08.09.2017, Strasbourg-France. [Extended Abstract, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu, A.Ç., “National Geospatial Data Infrastructure from the Perspective of INSPRE Directive”, Stakeholders Seminar – II: Institutional Implementations in Perspective of OGC and INSPIRE Standards, 04-05.05.2017, Ankara. [Abstract, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu, A.Ç. (Invited Speaker), “Capacity Building Requirement Analysis for the Establishment of SDI”, Stakeholders Seminar – II: Institutional Implementations in Perspective of OGC and INSPIRE Standards, 04-05.05.2017, Ankara. [Abstract, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu, A.Ç. (Invited Speaker), “Capacity Building for the Establishment of SDI”, Stakeholders Seminar – I: Institutional Implementations in Perspective of OGC and INSPIRE Standards, 09-10.02.2017, Ankara. [Abstract, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu, A.Ç. (Invited Speaker),“TUCBS Overview”, Professionals Seminar – I: OGC Standards, INSPIRE Themes and Applications, 06-07.12.2016, Antalya. [Abstract, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu, A.Ç. (Invited Speaker), “Capacity Building for National SDI”, Professionals Seminar – I: OGC Standards, INSPIRE Themes and Applications, 06-07.12.2016, Antalya. [Abstract, Oral Pres.]
Aydınoğlu, A.Ç., “Determining Disaster Risk by Designing by Designing Interoperable National Data Models as an extension of INSPIRE Data themes”, INSPIRE Conference 2016, 28.09-01.10.2016, Barcelona, Spain. [Extended Abstract, Oral Pres.]
Kesik, O.A., Aydıoğlu, A.Ç., “Determination of Urban Accessible Areas for The Disabled in Erzincan CIty Center”, Uluslararası Erzincan Sempozyumu, 28.09-01.10.2016, Erzincan. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Kesik, O.A., Duman, T., Aydıoğlu, A.Ç., “Spatial Analysis of Erzincan Parking Lots Throught Geographic Information System (GIS) Technol”, Uluslararası Erzincan Sempozyumu, 28.09-01.10.2016, Erzincan. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu, F., Ozcan, M., Aydinoglu, A.Ç., “Genotype-Environment Interaction of Cirsium (Asteraceae, Cardueae) Taxa Distributed On North-East Anatolia By Using Spatial Analyst Techniques”, 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2016, 28.06-07.07.2016, Varna, Bulgaristan. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydınoğlu, A.Ç., “Examining Open Data Management Issues for Geographic Information Systems”, 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2016, 28.06-07.07.2016, Varna, Bulgaristan. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydıoğlu, A.Ç., Bovkir, R., “Providing Data Interoperability for The Applications Using Land Registry and Cadastre Base Data Sets”, 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2016, 28.06-07.07.2016, Varna, Bulgaristan. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Yalçın, Ş., Taştan, B. Aydıoğlu, A.Ç., “The Use of Analytic Hierarchy Process in The Analysis of Landslide Hazard and Vulnerability: The Rize Fındıklı Case”, GEOMED 2016- The 4th International Geography Symposium, 23-26.05.2016, Kemer, Antalya. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Tastan, B., Aydıoğlu, A.Ç., “Approaches for The Determination of Integrated Disaster Risks”, GEOMED 2016- The 4th International Geography Symposium, 23-26.05.2016, Kemer, Antalya. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu, A.C. (Invited Speaker), “SDI for Support of Urban Development Istanbul – Turkiye“, The European Commission- Enlargement and Integration (E&I) Workshop, 26-27.11.2015, Odessa, Ukrania. [Extended Abstract, Oral Pres.]
Demir Ozbek, E., Ates, S., Aydinoglu, A.C., “Using Geo-Data Corporately on The Response Phase of Emergency Management”, ISPRS Geospatial Week 2015, Vol. XL- 3/W3, P. 269-275, 28.09– 03.10.2015, La Grande Motte, France. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu, A.C. (Invited Speaker), “Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe (INSPIRE) as a Collaborative and Multinational Project“, PMSUMMIT2015- Bilişim Sistemleri Proje Yönetiminde Yeni Trendler, 02-03.10.2015, Boğaziçi Üniv., İstanbul.[Abstract, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu, A.C., “Feature Manipulation Engine”, Spatial Data Harmonization Workshop / Trainings, European Commission JRC, H06 Unit, 23.06.2015, Ispra, Italy. [Abstract, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu, A.C., Tastan, B., Developing Interoperable Geographic Data Model for the Mitigation Phase of Disaster Management, FIG Working Week 2015, 17-21.05.2015, Sofia, Bulgaria. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Kesik, O.A., Aydinoglu, A.C., Saglam, D., GIS based Accessibility Assessment for Public Services: Istanbul Case, FIG Working Week 2015, 17-21.05.2015, Sofia, Bulgaria. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu, A.C., Senbil, M., Saglam, D., Demir, S., Planning of Parking Places on Transportation Infrastructure by Geographic Information Techniques, 3th International Istanbul Smart Grid and Cities Congress and Fair, 29-30.05.2015, Istanbul, Turkey. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Yomralioglu, T., Aydinoglu, A.C., Milestones To Build Spatial Data Infrastructure Supporting Sustainable Land Management, The World Cadastre Summit Congress and Exhibition, 20-25.04.2015, HCC Istanbul, Turkey. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.] [handouts]
Aydinoglu, A.C., Yomralioglu, T., Birhan, S.S., Experiences for Building Turkey National GIS Compliant to INSPIRE, The INSPIRE Conference 2014, 18-21.06.2014, Aalborg, Denmark. [Extended abstract, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu, A.C., Inan H.I., Developing Land Registry and Cadastre Base Data Model for Land Management Applications, FIG Congress 2014: Engaging the Challenges, Enhancing the Relevance, 16–21.06.2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.][handouts]
Yomralioglu, T., Aydinoglu, A.C., Policies and Standards for Building Turkey National GIS Infrastructure, FIG Congress 2014: Engaging the Challenges, Enhancing the Relevance, 16–21.06.2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.][handouts]
Aydinoglu, A.C. (Invited Speaker), Panel: Role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) on Urban Development, PM Summit 2013 International Conference – Academic Sessions, 27-28.09.2013, Bogazici Univ., Istanbul, Turkey. [Abstract, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu, A.C., Bilgin, M.S., Using Geo-Information Effectively in Landslide Management Activities in Turkey, 13th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2013, Varna, Bulgaria. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu, A.C., Saglam, D., Ozturk, K., “Developing An Interoperable Urban Geo-Data Model: AriBIS”, 13th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2013, Varna, Bulgaria. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Sani, İ.B., Aydinoglu, A.Ç., “Producing Spatıal ETL Tool For Transforming Between Geo-Data Models”, 13th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2013, Varna, Bulgaria. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Erhan, S., Sani, İ.B., Aydinoglu, A.Ç.,, “Sharing Transportation Data Sets with Open Web Services” , 13th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2013, Varna, Bulgaria. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Yomralıoğlu, T., Aydınoğlu, A.Ç., “Turkey National GIS Structure and Development of Geo-data Standards”, SDI Days 2012, 25-29.09.2012, Zagrep, Croatia. [Abstract, Oral Pres.]
Demir, E., Yomralıoğlu, T., Aydınoğlu, A.Ç., “Designing Geographic Data Model For Disater-Emergency Management: Fire Case”, 2011 ESRI International User Conference, 11-15.07.2011, San Diego, USA. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Ateş, S., Aydınoğlu, A.Ç., Coşkun, M.Z., “Determining Optimum Ambulance Locations For Heart Attack Cases Wıth GIS”, 2011 ESRI International User Conference, 11-15.07.2011, San Diego, USA. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Yomralioglu, T., Aydinoglu, A.Ç., “Managing Geo-Data to Support Urban Planning Development Process in Turkey”, FIG Working Week 2011, 18-22.05.2011, Marrakesh, Morocco. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu, A.Ç., Demir, E., Yomralioglu, T., “An Approach to Use Geo-Information Effectively in Disaster & Emergency Management Activities in Turkey”, FIG Working Week 2011, 18-22.05.2011, Marrakesh, Morocco. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Demir, E., Yomralioglu, T., Aydinoglu, A.Ç., “Using Geo-Information Technologies to Increase the Effectiveness of Fire Brigade Services in Turkey”, ISCRAM 8th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, 08-11.05.2011, Lisbon, Portugal. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu, A.Ç., Demir, E., Ateş, S., “Designing a Harmonized Geo-data Model for Disaster Management”, 8th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management 08-11.05.2011, Lisbon, Portugal. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Inan, H.İ., Aydinoglu, A.Ç., Yomralioglu, T., “Spatial Classification of Land Parcels in Land Administration Systems”, International Conference on Spatial Data Infrastructures 2010, 15-17.09.2010, FON University, Skopje, Macedonia. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu, A.C., “Geo-data Management Issues for Urban Land Administration in Turkey“, XXIV FIG International Congress 2010, 11-16.04.2010, Sydney, Australia. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu, A.C., Demir, E., “Designing Provincial Level Emergency and Disaster Management System for Turkey“, XXIV FIG International Congress 2010, 11-16.04.2010, Sydney, Australia. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Yomralioglu, T., Aydinoglu, A.C., “State-of-Play towards Building Turkey GII“, XXIV FIG International Congress 2010, 11-16.04.2010, Sydney, Australia. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu, A.C., Yomralioglu, T., “Developing Geospatial data specification following INSPIRE with Turkey case“, ISPRS International Workshop on Geospatial Data Cyber Infrastructure and Real-time Services with special emphasis on Disaster Management, CD, 25-27.11.2009, Hyderabad, India. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu, A.C., Yomralioglu, T., “Using Geospatial data corporately for disaster management support”, ISPRS International Workshop on ‘Geospatial Data Cyber Infrastructure and Real-time Services with special emphasis on Disaster Management, CD, 25-27.11.2009, Hyderabad, India. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu, A. C., Yomralioglu, T., “Opportunities and Constraints to Develop Geographic Data Models for Urban Land Administration In Turkey”, Eleventh International Conference of the GSDI Association and the Third INSPIRE Conference, CD, 15-19.06.2009, Roterdam, The Netherlands. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Mataracı, O., Aydinoglu, A. C., Yomralioglu, T., İnan, H.İ., “Turkey National LIS Actions towards Building SDI”, Eleventh International Conference of the GSDI Association and the Third INSPIRE Conference, CD, 15-19.06.2009, Roterdam, The Netherlands. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu, A. C., Yomralioglu, T., Quak, W., Dilo, A., “Modeling Emergency Management Data By UML as an Extensıon Of Geographic Data Sharing Model: ASAT Approach”, 19th TIEMS Conference, CD, 09-12.06.2009, Istanbul. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu, A. C., Yomralioglu, T., “Some Spatial Data Management Issues towards Building SDI”, International Workshop on Spatial Information for Sustainable Management of Urban Areas, CD, FIG Commission 3 Workshop, Mainz, Germany, 02–04.02.2009. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu, A.C., Gungor, O., “Domain Land Use/Cover Data Model Enabling Multiple Use for Turkey”, International Workshop on Spatial Information for Sustainable Management of Urban Areas, CD, FIG Commission 3 Workshop, Mainz, Germany, 02–04.02.2009. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu, A.C., Ozendi, M., Yomralioglu, T., “Administrative Units Design In Support of Territorial Development In Turkey”, XXIII ICC- International Cartographic Conference, CD, 04-10.08.2007, Moscow, Russia. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu, A.C., Yomralioglu, T., “Managing Tourism Services of East Black Sea Region of Turkey With Maps”, XXIII ICC- International Cartographic Conference, CD, 04-10.08.2007, Moscow, Russia. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu, A.C., Yomralioglu, T., Sogut, G., Yildirim, V. “Enabling Effective Spatial Data Management for Trabzon, Turkey”, 2007 ESRI International User Conference, CD, 18-22.06.2007, San Diego, California. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Yildirim, V., Aydinoglu, A.C., Yomralioglu, T., “ GIS Based Pipeline Route Selection by ArcGIS in Turkey”, 2007 ESRI International User Conference, CD, 18-22.06.2007, San Diego, California. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Yıldırım, V., Aydinoglu, A.C., “An e-Enrollment Model for Public Schools in Developing Countries Using GIS”, FIG Working Week 2007, CD, 13-17.05.2007, Hong Kong SAR. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydınoğlu, A.Ç., Yomralıoğlu, T., “Information Infrastructure Approach: Spatial Data Infrastructure Implementation Issues in Turkey”, XXIII. International FIG Congress, CD, 08-13.10.2006, Munich, Germany. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Colak, H.E., Aydinoglu, A.C., “Determining Regional Tourism Development Strategies of Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey by GIS”, XXIII. International FIG Congress, CD, 08-13.10.2006, Munich, Germany. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydinoglu, A.C., De Maeyer, P., Yomralıoğlu, T., “Examining European SDI Initiatives In Anticipation Of A SDI Framework For Turkey”, FIG Working Week, CD, 16-21.04.2005, Cairo, Egypt. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Sesli, F. A., Aydınoğlu, A. Ç., “Monitoring Coastal Land Use Changes by Using Information Technologies”, 2nd FIG Regional Conference and 10th Anniversary of ONIGHT, CD, 02-05.12.2003, Marrakech, Morocco. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Reis, S., Aydınoğlu, A.Ç., Yomralıoğlu, T., “Regional Spatial Data Infrastructure Design For Trabzon City”, Proceedings for International Conference on Earth Sciences and Electronics (ICESE-2003), 23-24.10.2003, İstanbul, Türkiye. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydınoğlu, A.Ç., Sesli, F.A., “Investigating of Coastal Land Use Changes by Using GIS and Web Technologies”, Proceedings for the First International Conference- Studying Land Use Effects in Coastal Zones with Remote Sensing and GIS, 13-16.08.2003, Antalya, Türkiye. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Sesli, F. A., Aydınoğlu, A. Ç., “Monitoring relations between Coast Lıne Cover and Land Ownership Via The Web: An Example From Black Sea”, COASTAL ZONE 03 Coastal Zone Management Through Time, CD, 13-17.07.2003, Baltimore, Maryland. USA. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydınoğlu, A.Ç., Yomralıoğlu, T., “Spatial Decision Support System Via The Web”, Geomatica 5 “Cartography, Telematics and Navigation”, 11-14.02.2003, Barcelona, Spain. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]
Aydınoğlu, A.Ç., Yomralıoğlu, T., “Web Based Campus Information System“, Proceedings of International Symposium On Geographic Information Systems GIS 2002, 23-26.09.2002, İstanbul, Turkey. [Full Paper, Oral Pres.]